Our app is the result of 1000s of hours of hard work, dedication, trials, and tests. We have spent more than 3 years on email checker and email validation services. Email List Verification- Deliverbility can help you achieve your desired goals. Therefore, it is a wise idea to utilize a bulk email checker to ensure that the emails being sent out are valid email addresses so that they do not get bounced. The email that you are sending out is the first impression that a potential customer has about your business. We help to increase the deliverbility of your emails to your potential customers and partners. What do you think happens to your business in that scenario? This is one outcome that you need to avoid at all costs – no matter what. Thus, your email marketing campaign is unlikely to achieve its objectives and succeed. No one views their spam folder and users won’t be notified about it either. This makes your email campaign less effective third, your IP has a bad reputation due to which the server is redirecting your emails to the customer’s spam or junk folder.

Other times, people provide fake email addresses, or they start using another account, so the old email address is no longer in use. Thus almost a tenth just completely useless. Our customers didn’t trust your agent enough to hand them over their real email Second, online research shows that people make mistakes during online form submission, and it is estimated that 9% of all forms submitted contain invalid emails. It’s possible your customer made up some address just to put off your intervening staff member. Now, there can be three main reasons why email delivery fails: First, the email you are sending mail to is not a valid email address. Whether it’s a promotional email, a signup notification, a campaign to generate more leads and revenue for your business or simple communication with your clients, your email is the first and most effective mode of communication, and matters the most. But what if your email fails to reach the intended audience? You can have the world’s most exceptional product or service and email written by the world’s top copywriters nevertheless, if people do not know about it, then it is as good as non-existent. Your email needs to make a name for itself as a trustworthy source incorporating credible information.